Luke 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

We have been busy in Hatch, working to influence for the Kingdom of God, but it has not been easy. With each step of obedience to the Lord’s will, however, more doors have opened up. We have been attending Chamber of Commerce meetings, volunteering for the Chile Festival, going to Community Resource meetings, City Council meetings, and talking to the school principals and Superintendent’s office to get the word out that the Youth Center is open. Our newsletters or Zines are in most of the businesses as a way of communication in a place that has no newspaper. Thank you Jesus that we are making progress in reaching the youth and a time that is critical in our nation. Children are very vulnerable to the agendas that are being forced upon them, and we need to fight back with the TRUTH.

Build It and They Shall Come

We are very encouraged that our hard work has paid off, and we are seeing the fruit of our labors. We recently hosted 45 youth and coaches from the High School, when they volunteered to help clean up the town of Hatch after the Chile festival. The kids enjoyed the pool tables, ping pong table, basketball arcade and more. We served them a lunch after their hard work, picking up trash for the community. It was a wonderful time of meeting the youth, who where members of the sports teams. We are planning a 5th quarter meal and time of recreation after the upcoming Home Coming game with the football team. As of the end of September, Engage, will be teaching parenting classes in the Youth Center, twice a week. We are excited about the upcoming events and can’t wait to be a part of what God wants to do in Hatch. Cheryl will be teaching her first piano lesson this week, which we are offering free of charge, as well as English lessons to the public. We want to reach as many people as possible for the Lord and are willing to do what it takes. Thank you Jesus for the opportunities and divine connections as we move forward.

Join us in reaching our community and nation for Christ

Our Booth At The Hatch Chile Festival 2023

We would like to thank Salem Baptist church for supporting our work in the ministry. Others in the community have helped us with donations of pecans, and giving us opportunities to work for donations. It takes all of us as the body of Christ working together to bring about a change in the nation, and it starts in our Jerusalem. We recently attended a Truth and Liberty Conference in Colorado with other believers to educate ourselves in what is going on in the camp of the enemy, and we learned what we can do to stand for righteousness. We are here for such a time as this. Time is short and it is time for the body of Christ to awaken and work while it is still day.

Esther 4:14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

If you would like to support our ministry click on the link below. We continue to support our church and Bible College in Kenya, as they are making disciples faithfully continuing the work. We are also preparing for our trip to Ukraine in the summer of 2024. We thank you and love each of you for your help in occupying until the Lord returns. God bless you.