A recipe is a trusted, written document for successful eating.  A recipe takes the guesswork out of cooking and makes things easy!  It can be used over and over and then handed down from generation to generation, to ensure good food to eat.  A recipe can be tailored to fit your needs depending on how many people you have to feed.  It can be reduced or doubled for every situation, or you can even add a few ingredients to your flavoring and tastes.  The best thing about a recipe is it’s usable to everyone, even if you didn’t write it or even know how to cook.

A disaster with bad food results from not following the recipe.  Leaving out one single ingredient can be costly; for instance, there was a time I was making a cake, following the recipe, but I got distracted and left out the baking powder and ended up baking a rock that I could throw at Goliath and kill him.  Another time I added all the ingredients but forgot to mix the dry before hand- wow, that was a disaster!

Cheryl and I want to give you the recipes for life, in the Word of God.  Handwritten by the Holy Spirit, documented, tried and tested to work prosperity, good health and abundant life!  The Holy Bible is many, many recipes that will bring disaster or success.  Do you know the recipe for righteousness or holiness? Sanctification or redemption? Blessing or curse?  Each recipe has an address with a specific outcome.  If you follow the devil’s recipe exactly, then you will get those results. But if you follow God’s recipe exactly, then you will get His results.

2 Timothy 2:15; 2 Timothy 3:16; Ephesians 4:24; 2 Corinthians 1:30; Galatians 3:13; Galatians 6:7-9 are just a few ingredients in order to make a beautiful and tasty cake!