Revelation 3:7 These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

With the new year comes changes and we are definitely experiencing the new things that God has for us. We had expected to come home to the USA at the end of January 2023, but arrived in El Paso on December 6, 2022. The Lord closed the door for us to be in Kenya through a series of events that we know was His direction for our life. We were never granted the Missionary Visa that we had been waiting for for 3 1/2 years from the Kenyan government, and finally about the time we graduated our last Bible College class, it was denied. We were given 2 weeks to leave the country. Thankfully we had completed everything that the Lord had asked us to do as missionaries to Kenya. God’s timing in our lives is the most important thing. Jerry was told by the Lord at the beginning of 2022 not to schedule anything after the 18th of November. Now we understand why. It was time to leave and go on to the next thing that God has for us to do. Now we are walking through the door that He has opened for us to prepare for our next mission which will be in 2024 in Ukraine. If you would like to become a partner or join our mission and assignment from God, please click the link below. Thank you.

We have left behind trained Pastors to continue the work in Kenya. This last week we were able to have a video conference with our leaders to continue to build them in the Word. We were so encouraged to hear that they were adding fellowships on Wednesday and Friday nights at the church. We have left behind many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. We continue to pray for them and send the small support that we are able to provide, so that they can continue the work that we began there 3 1/2 years ago. On Christmas Day they cooked a goat for the church for a special celebration that we had planned several months ago, but we unable to attend due to immigration issues. We thank God that everyone enjoyed this special treat, that otherwise they would have not been able to afford. The children also were given Christmas presents of bottles of sodas, and plastic wash basins. They were so excited to receive such simple gifts that meant a lot to them. It was a contrast to the American Christmas that we were blessed to experience this year for the first time in about 4 years.



We never stop working for the Lord and we understand that we are missionaries where ever we are in the world. Jerry had been given the opportunity to give the sermon this New Year’s Day at the Salem Baptist church, with Cheryl doing the Bible study on Redemption before the service. Jerry, Cheryl and his dad will be singing and playing the guitar for the worship service as well. New Year’s Eve will be spent doing door to door evangelism in the city of Las Cruces, NM with another Pastor and his wife. We hope to travel to other churches in the spring to speak about our missionary experiences. We also are planning to do an open air crusade in the near future. (When the weather warms up) We are also busy remodeling a small place for us to live and be our home base between missions. The Lord has told us that this year will be preparation time for our mission to Ukraine in 2024. He continues to reveal His plans for this next mission field to us so that we will be ready for what lies ahead. We know that His timing is critical and we trust what He has for us.


This is one of the many children and families that we have supported with school fees, food, rent money, among many other things. The mother said that because of our help, her child Ian was able to complete his kindergarten class. We are thankful to the Lord that He had provided the funds to enable us to help those in most need. We hope to continue to send help to our church and support the Bible College as the need arises. We thank our supporters over the last few years. May God bless you abundantly. Please click the link below to support our mission work- thank you!