Cheryl and I have been doing the “Extreme” footwork to establish our Youth Program Ages 13-24.

According to the Word of the Lord, we have encountered businesses, government, schools, industries and citizens here in Hatch to reach this generation. For about 2 months we have been working diligently to find a location, a facility and equip it with things necessary to attract these youth: the end result is a Youth Recreation Center with opportunities and resources not available to them.

Cheryl will be teaching piano lessons and tutoring and together, Jerry and Cheryl will be teaching English classes to Spanish youth. Our schedule is laid out as follows:

Wednesdays: English Classes: 4:00-5:30 pm

Thursdays: Tutoring:  4:00-5:00 pm; Recreation/Games: 5:00-6:00 pm

Fridays: Recreation and Social 4:00-5:30 pm; Meal: 5:30-6:00 pm; Teaching: 6:00-7:00 pm

Saturdays: Business Workshops and work projects 9:00-11:00 am; Snacks and Rec.: 4:30-5:30 pm

Programs and Activities:  5:30-7:00 pm *(Please donate below to help with our activities and Ministry)

We have purchased and acquired arcade basketball, ping pong tables and a pool table. If you would like to help us add to this ministry please click on the link below. Thank you so very much!

We are meeting many people and outreaching to the community to create an awareness of our existence, as well as, the need for radical engagement with our youth. We have made posters, had free yard sales and have volunteered in many events within our surrounding area. We are constantly preaching the gospel message of love and grace to a world in desperate need of it. Cheryl and I are excited about the directions of the Lord for us right now. In everything we give thanks to the Lord, enduring resistance and persecution, knowing it will work patience and in the end we will have need of nothing! We are giving out food boxes, as well as, clothing and household items.

Exciting News: Tanzania Bible School

Our trained disciple Blessings Luhanga, now our Pastor and Teacher is living in Arusha, Tanzania and is excited to start his training this month of August 2023. He has 13 students already signed up. Life Changing Truth is International, with students and schools in Ethiopia, Pakistan, Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya and in the USA- and soon in Ukraine! Blessings graduated our School in 2022 and then became our assistant Director, teacher and boarding supervisor for two additional graduating classes. The Lord called him to Tanzania, which is his home country, to continue the Life Changing Truth School of Ministry there and beyond. We are so excited about what God is doing through our young men and women; they are the fruit that remains in John 15:16! Congratulations Blessings, we love you and are behind you! Please pray for Blessings in Tanzania and also consider helping us with a financial gift so that we can continue to make disciples around the world and reach the lost with the truth of Jesus Christ. Please give below.

“Whoa there caballo!” (Spanish for horse)

What’s going on in the world? Look at the news- US corruption at insane highs! Woke and fake news and the minority is pushing ahead at an alarming rate. The spirit of Haman is at hand says the Lord of Hosts. In the book of Esther, Haman receives counsel and advice from his wife to build the gallows and hang Mordecai from fifty feet high. The noose is tied and gallows ready for Christianity and anyone who supports truth, justice, morality, law and the constitution! The spirit behind Haman lied to the king to have all Jews killed- an edict that was irreversible. The only solution is for Queen Esther to realize her identity and purpose for “this” time, put her life on the line and do what is right- force herself in the presence of the king to uncover the deceptive, radical agenda and plot to kill a lot of innocent people.

We the people… are the Jews about to be erased from history so that the radical agenda may be unhindered- the socialist, communist, marxist and totalitarian reset to take place. Queen Esther risked everything to expose the darkness and lies, and then asked for a new edict- let the Jews arise and fight for their innocency. That’s right, you guessed it; they still had to fight for their lives- and you will have to do the same. Jesus is blowing the shofar; the trumpet in heaven, but it’s not the rapture trumpet. It is the battle trumpet- All God’s people to the battlefield to fight for your lives. A rallying and uniting of Christianity in the USA to stand against the spirit of Haman. This is a spiritual warfare, not a physical brawl, but we must physically confront the evil. Speak out against it in numbers, speaking the truth through preaching and publishing and proclaiming everywhere! Jesus is calling the Church worldwide to stand, but especially in America. Your future depends upon what you do right now. The church must become deeply involved in the school system, the government system, the media system, the arts and entertainment, the business system and in your community, city, state and even in politics. Jesus is calling again; He called during covid, but there was no response, He called during the 2020 elections and there was no response; He called during the downfall of America, our economy and now our morality but there is no response. Jesus is calling out once more- what will be the response of His people. We are out of excuses- Please let’s save America and its origin, purpose and divine constitution. SAVE AMERICA one community at a time. Thank you, we love you and plead with you to fight.