Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

We left our home in Hatch, New Mexico on May 31 and travelled to catch the plane in El Paso. We were so excited to be going on this wonderful adventure that God was sending us to do, but with bittersweet tears of good-bye to family and friends. It is never easy to leave, knowing that this may be the last time that we see someone who is near and dear to us, but we go with their prayers and know that it is made possible by their support and love. We reached Chicago that evening for an overnight layover, made possible by our friends Tony and Cynthia Reyes. Our plane was supposed to go to Doha Quatar from Chicago, but at the last moment the plane was cancelled. We ran up to an available agent who immediately booked us in the last 2 seats to Boston, to catch the flight to Doha. We looked at the cross on her neck and said, “this is God, who got us on this plane”. She said,” yes this is the Lord’s doing!”

Customs and immigration line in Nairobi, for almost 2 hours, after flying for 2 days

We arrived in Nairobi in the wee early hours of the morning, Monday June 3. Our good friend Pastor Araka from the Pipeline district, come to pick up us with the members of his church in the Kwa Ruben/Jenga slums. We were so very touched that they stayed up so late and sacrificed to get to the airport to greet us with hugs and kisses. We spent the night in the 7th floor apartments, after hauling all of our suitcases up the stairs, no elevators. We fell asleep exhausted, knowing that in the morning we were driving ourselves to Machakos, about an hour away. Jerry bravely rented a car and did a great job navigating the traffic.

Pastor Matthew Muthoka’s home in a mountain village/ his congregation showed up to visit and pray with us.


We cannot begin to list all of the things that the Lord allowed us to accomplish as we came to our old stomping ground, where we had spent almost 4 years. Even though it had been 1 1/2 years since we had seen our friends and brothers in Christ, it seemed as if no time had gone by. We taught in our main Bible College for three days, visited Pastor Danson and Matthew Muthoka’s churches in the mountains, had a Pastor’s conference with 80 of our Bible College graduates in attendance. Your donations helped to start up 4 small businesses to help some of our Pastor’s support the colleges that have branched off of our main school and provide computers for several who are using our recorded teachings to instruct the students. Kenya was recently devastated by severe flooding, and this has led to a shortage of clean drinking water. The dam burst in Machakos, and our church, Pastors, and Bible school, had been without water for 1 1/2 months before we arrived. Your donations filled up 2 storage tanks with clean water for their daily needs, cooking, bathing, and washing clothes. They were very grateful for this. We were able to rent the church land for another year, putting them until February of 2026. Your donations have helped to spread the Gospel and enable the Pastor’s to teach the Word of God to others, we gave 4 Bibles to the Kwa Jenga church members who otherwise could not afford one. WE THANK YOU SO MUCH. BECAUSE OF YOU, OUR FRUIT HAS REMAINED IN KENYA!

John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.


Our Bible School graduate, Blessings Luhanga has returned to Tanzania to continue teaching and making disciples. He has completed 2 classes, and we were privileged to attend the graduation of his latest group of students. We travelled by car up to the border of Kenya and Tanzania and were able to bring our Pastors Michael and Onesmus for a mission trip. We were hosted by Pastor Bruno Luhanga and his family, who allowed us to stay in their home in Arusha for 3 days. What a wonderful welcome that we appreciate so much. We were able to minister to their church members as well as some young women that they have rescued and brought to live with them. It was a great experience to see Tanzania, and we hope to return one day. We loaded up a 14-passenger van with about 27 people to ride to the lake nearby to baptize everyone who wished to be. Cheryl was a bit un-nerved by the heavy ladened van, but slowly it made its way to the lake, with everyone praising the Lord in song. She was so touched by their joy, that she cried the whole way. She wished with all of her heart that everyone would love Jesus that way.


We finished our trip returning to Kenya by car and ministering in the slums of Nairobi for 3 days at the church of Pastor Araka David. Jerry preached and taught on the Holy Spirit for 3 days with 50 salvations and professions of faith. We stayed in Araka’s small apartment and were so humbled that they gave up their bed for us and slept on a mattress on the floor in the living room. What gracious hosts they were to take such good care of us. Cheryl also preached on the Righteousness of God in another church in the same area with Pastor Onesmus on Sunday. She cooked chicken and dumplings for a large group back at Araka’s place that afternoon, helping his wife Milicent in their Kenyan kitchen. This ended our time in Kenya.


After 17 days in Africa, we flew to Amsterdam and on to Romania. There are no flights into Ukraine, so we took a 19-hour bus drive into the country which included 3 border crossings in the middle of the night. We are happy to report that it seems like Kyiv is a vibrant, business as usual, city. We see evidence of the on-going war in the uniformed soldiers that travel by bus, but for the most part people are continuing their lives. We are ready to get started with teaching the Word of God to groups of people and awaiting a meeting with our contact to introduce us to the churches that she oversees. Continue to pray for us in this new endeavor. We know that this will have its challenges, the same as Kenya did. We know that the Lord is walking with us each step of the way. Thank you Jesus. If you would like to contribute to this mission in Ukraine, click the link below or scan the QR code- thank you so much.