
We Need Your Help

Mark 16:15 says “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” We are actually going into all the world with the great news that Jesus saves, heals, forgives, restores, makes whole and prospers. We have already traveled to 43 nations and are believing God to continue to every nation, “…teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” (see Matthew 28:18-20) – making disciples.

Jesus told us that we are one body, His body, and Jesus is in need of laborers. Jesus prayed that God would send out laborers into His harvest. We invite you to join with Jesus and with us in partnership to gather the harvest and together accomplish amazing things for the Kingdom of God.

How To Get Involved

We encourage you to be involved in the Lord’s work. There are two main ways you can get involved in what we are doing.

1. Giving Financial Gift/s

You may Give Online through PayPal using the Donate button below.

We use secure online credit card processing through PayPal.

You may also mail check or money order to Life Changing Truth Inc. to PO Box 793 Hatch, NM 87937.

Below is form you can fill out anytime you’d like to communicate with us, especially if you wanted to let us know that you’ve sent out your financial gift.

    Whether you’d like to give once or monthly, we encourage you to contact us using our contact details at the very top of this page or the ones at the bottom of this page. And if you are reading this on a smartphone, you can just click any of the below icons.

    2. Volunteering

    There are many opportunities to volunteer in our ministry. We encourage you to pray about getting involved in the Lord’s work and then contact us and we will advise you on how you can help us depending on your location and availability.

    Start by filling out this form and we will back to you as soon as possible.

      Feel free to use the contact details at the very top of this page or the ones at the bottom of this page to reach out to us. And if you are reading this on a smartphone, you can just click any of the below icons.